
June 2, 2016

Does The Site Of Care Change The Cost Of Care? – Health Affairs Blog

Patients like Gay Miller, a North Carolina resident who paid almost $900 more than her typical $60 co-pay for a routine 30-minute echocardiogram, are feeling the angst of increased out-of-pocket (OOP) costs solely attributable to a change in site of care. Gay received her echocardiogram at a hospital outpatient department (HOPD) as opposed to her […]

February 24, 2016

Oncologists Urge Congress To Stay The Course On Site-Neutral Pay – Inside Health Policy

Community oncologists want Congress to stay the course on Medicare site-neutral pay policy, although they are open to exempting facilities under development, if they don’t include oncology practices, from lower pay rates in narrow circumstances. The Community Oncology Alliance fears that if Congress rolls back site-neutral restrictions or retroactively delays the policy’s start date, hospitals […]

February 18, 2016

Medicare Sparks Site-Neutral Payment Showdown – Health Leaders Media

There is likely no clear winner in the fight between hospital and physician groups who are weighing in on Medicare’s new site-neutral payment policy that goes into effect next year. Hospitals with newly acquired and almost-built physician practices located off of the main campus are hoping a congressional committee will put the brakes on payment […]

February 16, 2016

AAFP to Congress: Expand Site-neutral Physician Payment – AAFP

Although Congress took an initial step toward equal payments for physicians’ services regardless of where they practice when it passed the Bipartisan Budget Act last November, many office-based physicians still receive lower payments for the same services than do their colleagues in hospital outpatient settings. Read full article >>

December 1, 2015

Budget deal cuts pay to hospital-owned practices – Modern Medicine

Washington—There was generally positive news for Medicare providers in the new 2-year budget agreement signed into law by President Obama Nov. 2 as well as the 2016 physician fee schedule just released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). But hospital-owned physician practices will take a hit under the budget deal, and urologists […]

October 27, 2015

Budget Deal Includes Site-Neutral Offset That Hospitals Oppose And Oncologists Back – Inside Health Policy

The budget and debt-limit deal reached Monday night would cut Medicare spending by instituting a new policy under which CMS would no longer pay higher hospital-outpatient rates when hospitals buy physician practices and ambulatory surgical centers. Hospitals oppose the measure, but primary physicians and independent cancer centers support it. A previous story on Inside Health […]

August 10, 2015

Equalize Payment Across Site of Service – American Journal of Managed Care

Improving Medicare quality and efficiency, in order to keep the program solvent for the nearly 10,000 new beneficiaries who turn 65 years old each day,1 has been an ongoing priority for Congress and policy makers. Efforts to improve patient safety and outcomes, while tying payments to quality instead of quantity, have resulted in a seismic […]
